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Ninja Guide

Becoming a regular ninja takes time, practice and strategy. Think you have what it takes? Lets see! Go to the Dojo courtyard and go inside the Dojo to find out!

Go inside the Dojo. You will see mats which are for practicing your skills. I would suggest these if you want to practice. It wont bring up your progress. What you want to do is go to the Sensei on the right of the Dojo

Then to earn these belts go talk to the Sensei. He will then give you 10 cards and everything you need to play card Jitsu! Then you will be on the main menu screen:

There are 3 options as you can see. "Earn your Belts", "Challenge Sensei" and "Instructions". In the beginning of your training you will get instructs but if your still confused you can keep clicking that. (Warning: Do not challenge the Sensei if you don't have a black belt. He WILL beat you everytime.) Click "Earn your Belts" to play others on crowded servers and get experience to get your belts! Here is an outline by Clubpenguin about what I just explained but in there terms:

Now there are belts you have to earn. White, yellow, orange, green, blue, red, purple, brown and black. (all in order)

Now you will be brought to a waiting screen. When a person is on the list it goes for 10 seconds and then you can play them.

Now you will be brought to the battle screen where you battle the other player. You will have to try and predict what your opponent will use and try and/or stop that card with a higher number.

There's a cycle involved. Fire beats snow, snow beats water and water beats fire.

If you get 3 of the same element in a row or get all 3 in different colors, you win!

Its a bit more complicated now because there are a bunch of cards that can turn things around! These are special cards and most of them have a negative effect on the other player you use it on. You will start out with 1 in your deck and then you can buy more.

Some of these cards wont let you use snow, give the lowest card the advantage, etc. Its really cool to see what kinds of combinations others will come up with.
Fire Ninja/Water Ninja Guide
These types of ninjas fire and water require a higher skill level than the regular ninja. First off you need to be a ninja and then go to the ninja hideout once you are.

Also you will need to get the amulet if you haven't got one from the Martial Arts catalog.

Fire Ninja
Now  go to the left and if your a member go click the fire tombstone to enter the fire Dojo!

Here is what the fire Dojo looks like:

Instead of trying to earn belts, here you try to earn a fire suit from the flame sandals to the fiery helmet.

It will be just as hard to get all these items as it was being a ninja with the same options. But now you can play with up to 4 players!

First off go to the fire Sensei to get your special cards and learn the rules.

The loading screen is almost the same but with different backgrounds and a different looking Sensei.

Now there will be up to 4 players and you have to choose a stone going up to 6 choosing where you will go. Then you choose the spot you want to go and use those cards.

Once you get on those places you will be in a battle with that element and the highest card wins.

This stone means you will face eachother like in Card Jitsu with any card you please.

This symbol means you can choose the element you wish if you have a really powerful card.

There are life points too. You start at 6 and whenever you lose they go down and when ever you win a match it goes up.

Tour Guides
To become a tour guide on clubpenguin, you must be 45 days or older on your account. Why? Because you need to know the island well so you can tour new players who haven’t heard of clubpenguin before about the island! Watch the video for more!

You must answer the series of questions. The answers are in the video so be sure to watch! You will get a tour hat and then be able to tour people around the island!
EPF Agent
How do you become a EPF Agent? Well first, you must have an invitation from another EPF Agent to secretly invite you to the EPF HQ! Then you will be assigned a test in the Elite Phoning Falculacy!

Watch the video to learn more!