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Field Ops

Welcome to the Field Ops page! This is where the most recent Field Op cheats are if your having trouble with the Field Op!

Field Op #89 
Stormer here! It's been a long time since I made a post, but let's get started:

So today the Elite Penguin Force Field Op #89 has been released today! And today I'll tell you the steps on how to accomplish this current Field Op.

Step 1: Read and accept the Field Op:
Can't read? Well read this below:
Destructobot is defeated and the island is saved, but we must continue our search for Protobot. Start an island-wide scan for unusual signals. Even without the Meteor, he may still be functional.

Step 2: Now head to the Dock in the bottom right corner where I'm standing:

If you still don't know where it is, I have a picture of the room that might help you a little more. Find the circled area in this picture:
Step 3: Now that you've found the area, click your Spy Phone read the instructions shown below, and click "ENGAGE":

Can't read or see picture? Read the text below:
Break the code! Scan symbols to find the right combination!

Green = symbol is correct

Yellow = symbol is in the wrong spot

Red = symbol is wrong


Now that you have completed the Field Op, a message has appeared from Protobot:

 Here's the text:

Looks like we got more trouble coming our way. But for now, the Protobot has been defeated! Do you think he might return for revenge? Comment of what you think!

~Stormer4879, CPEC Editor